I was looking through information based on an article I placed in another section about “aging in place” and thought, I need to place this in a section all its’ own. The elderly population is one of the fastest growing and as everything around us continues to change, so do their needs. “The National Home Builders Association” is equipped with lots…
Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Study 2017 is Out!
07 Jul“The State of the Nation’s Housing 2017 report by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies” is out and as far as Affordable Housing, we’re in trouble. The good news is there are solutions, namely incentivize, incentivize, incentivize. Chris Herbert, Managing Director, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Mayor Catherine E. Pugh, City of Baltimore, Maryland, Terri Ludwig, President & CEO of…
Vacant NYC Storefronts
03 JulThe empty storefronts in NYC are becoming all too common. Why? The Rent’s too high, among other things. The amount of goods a store would have to sell to cover the rent plus the need to price the item at a cost that could make a profit to pay the rent (not to mention other overhead costs) are hurting businesses,…
Want to Stay Where You Are While You Age?
03 JulThe article from the New York Times, “Planning to Age in Place? Find a Contractor Now” is great on many levels. I know some champion movers out there, but if you’re getting older and want to stay put, there are a few things you’ll want to add to your home, while you’re able. It’s almost one of those things, ‘If…
A Home is Not Essential to Move Forward. Really?
02 JulProposed Cuts to Housing First Some Legislators have a notion that housing is an impediment to sobriety. This was the thinking some 30+ years ago. Had we continued in that vain, many a peoples lives would be very different today. Time to get success stories together. Keep reading…
Take Back the City
02 JulTake Back the City Stroll out your door, look around and everything you see will be magical. Well we used to have more of that in NYC, everything intriguing to anyone. Today we have a bit of a different story. Here is a great read from the NY Times about Bleecker St., then and now. If anyone is listening and…