Post Archive by Month: January,2018


30 Jan

It’s Happening… Jacque Fresco, a futurist, imaged a world without suffering and undue poverty and set out to make it happen. He envisioned the Venus Project, a futuristic concept of new cities where people had full access to resources (which he believed was the root of all problems) and began building in 1976. The plan is being carried out by…

What’s Ford Up To?

15 Jan

So What’s Ford Doing? Roads for cars, not people? The article in Medium”The City of Tomorrow: Together, Let’s Take Back the Streets” suggests, we’re building roads for cars, Not people. We used to spend more time with people, now we spend more time in cars, in congestion, 16 hours vs a whopping 38. In this article, “The City of Tomorrow: Together…

Mastercard Wants You!!

15 Jan

Collaborator’s Wanted – with “City Possible” Through Mastercard… Collaboration is the name of the game according to the article in CityLab’s “City Possible a New Approach to Solving Cities Systemic Problems.” By 2050 the majority of people will be living in urban areas though the needs of the people in the the city, at the rate we’re going, will not…



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