Black Panther!! Blow you away, see with your eyes and your soul!! Keep it in your front mind always!! Epic!! To own and give out…!*!*!…
Infrastructure, Housing? What’s In the Budget?
12 FebMore of what’s not in the budget… The New York Time’s describes the administration plans to create $1.5 Trillion, out of $200 Billion in infrastructure spending, over the next 10 years. City’s around the nation will need to shell out a sizable, 80% of the costs of new infrastructure development (including plans already underway). Read more in the New York…
Prepare for the Future Says Forbes
05 FebPrepare for the future says Forbes in their article, “Trumps 1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Would be Great in the 1950’s.” The plan to prepare for the very emerging transportation technologies about to unfold over the next five to ten years they suggest will take more than slapping on some asphalt. New York and New Jersey are particularly hit with…
Urban Planning – Look Out for This
03 FebPlanning By Whose Design – Data or People or Both? Get ready for this. Tech companies are vying to build cities. As described in CityLab’s, article’s, When a Tech Giant Plays Waterfront Developer and Alphabet Announces Plan to Turn Toronto Neighborhood Into a Living Laboratory, Google’s …”Sidewalk Labs” is working with Waterfront Toronto (land owners), and have partnered with government…
30 JanIt’s Happening… Jacque Fresco, a futurist, imaged a world without suffering and undue poverty and set out to make it happen. He envisioned the Venus Project, a futuristic concept of new cities where people had full access to resources (which he believed was the root of all problems) and began building in 1976. The plan is being carried out by…
What’s Ford Up To?
15 JanSo What’s Ford Doing? Roads for cars, not people? The article in Medium”The City of Tomorrow: Together, Let’s Take Back the Streets” suggests, we’re building roads for cars, Not people. We used to spend more time with people, now we spend more time in cars, in congestion, 16 hours vs a whopping 38. In this article, “The City of Tomorrow: Together…
Mastercard Wants You!!
15 JanCollaborator’s Wanted – with “City Possible” Through Mastercard… Collaboration is the name of the game according to the article in CityLab’s “City Possible a New Approach to Solving Cities Systemic Problems.” By 2050 the majority of people will be living in urban areas though the needs of the people in the the city, at the rate we’re going, will not…
11 DecHappy Holidays!!! Wishing You, Your Family, & Friends… A Very Wonderful Holiday Season… Peace, Love, and Happiness… & May You Always Follow Your Dreams… Lolita & Everyone at LMG!!!
The “Average Person” – No Such Thing
06 DecEverybody exhale… 🙂 An article written in the the Good Brand Studio, “Challenging Our Average Models for Work and Education” written by Rachel Reilich, and a great summary located on ThomasenCharles, written by Alette Baartmans, detail where a Harvard Professor, Todd Rose, author of the book; “The End of Average,” challenges our notions of what average is, and seeks to establish individuality as it’s own…
Let’s Put a Pedal To It
30 NovOh the innovation! Take a look at what’s else we can do to conserve energy with an additional benefit, -physical exercise! A small town in Maryland, decided to do a bike share this holiday season to power a 300 watt generator and charge cell phones all through bike pedaling. The faster you go, the more light will be emitted. The…
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